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- AK91
James Arvo in David Kirk.
A Survey of Ray Tracing Acceleration Techniques, Poglavje 6,
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V knjigi Introduction to Ray Tracing, glej
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James Arvo, urednik.
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Ian Ashdown.
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John Bloomer.
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Su Bu-qing in Liu Ding-yuan.
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- BW89
Max Born in Emil Wolf.
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Marion Cottingham.
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Bob Crambit.
Rendering on the network.
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Michael F. Cohen in John R. Wallace.
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Mark de Berg.
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- Gla89
Andrew S. Glassner.
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- Gla91a
Andrew S. Glassner, urednik.
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- Gla91b
Andrew S. Glassner, urednik.
An introduction to Ray Tracing.
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- Gla91c
Andrew S. Glassner.
Surface Physics for Ray Tracing, Poglavje 4, strani 121--160.
V knjigi Introduction to Ray Tracing, glej
[Gla91b], 1991.
- Gue90
Robert D. Guenther.
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- Hai88
Eric A. Haines.
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Eric Haines.
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V Paul Heckbert, urednik, Graphics Gems IV, strani 24--46.
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- Han91
Pat Hanrahan.
A Survey of Ray-Surface Intersection Algorithms, Poglavje 4,
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V knjigi Introduction to Ray Tracing, glej
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- Hec91
Paul S. Heckbert.
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V knjigi Introduction to Ray Tracing, glej
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Paul S. Heckbert, urednik.
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Roy A. Hall in Donald P. Greenberg.
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Ketan Mulmuley.
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Stephen A. Rago.
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Francis Weston Sears.
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John Shirley, Wei Hu in David Magid.
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Peter P. Silvester.
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- Sph94
Gary Sphere.
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- Ste92
W. Richard Stevens.
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- Str91
Bjarne Stroustrup.
The C++ programming language.
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- Sub90
Prem Subrahmanyam.
Intersecting Quadrics.
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Ray Swartz.
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Mark A. Terrible.
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Atsushi Takagi, Hiroshi Takaoka, Tesuya Oshima in Yoshinori Ogata.
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Robert Ulichney.
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Alan Watt.
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Allan Watt.
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Cristopher D. Watkins, Stephen B. Coy in Mark Finlay.
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Ewing Lusk William Gropp in Anthony Skjellum.
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Copyright © 1995 Leon Kos, Univerza v Ljubljani