Figure shows whole application canvas. Currently it
runs in Windows as standalone application. It is posibe to join
similar aplications into one application.
Figure: Multiple document interface of the OWL program (pg)
Object Windows Library has been selected for software development. This is an integral part of Borland C++ Integrated develpment environment. Common user interface, availability and ease of use/programming was in mind when selecting this tool. With Aplication Expert we can easily build skeleton application. Class expert can maintain several user clases and connects them with resources which are controlled by indenpendent program - Resource Workshop.
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs are builded as easy as SDI. MDI interface ofers multiple calculations in one program which is important for calculating variations. Application can closely works with File Manager where Drag-and-Drop principle can be used when selecting input files.
There were some problems with Dynamic-Link-Libraries (DLL). Therefore at this stage program runs with staticaly linked libraries. With staticaly linked libraries program (pg.exe) is larger for about 180 kB. Portability of this kind of program is greater because there is no need for aditional DLLs.