/* $Id: TCOLORTX.CPP 2.4 1995/07/20 11:24:33 leon Exp $
/* filename -       tcolortx.doc                              */
/*                                                            */
/* function(s)                                                */
/*                  TColoredText member functions             */

TColoredText is a descendent of TStaticText designed to allow the writing
of colored text when color monitors are used.  With a monochrome or BW
monitor, TColoredText acts the same as TStaticText.

TColoredText is used in exactly the same way as TStaticText except that
the constructor has an extra ushort parameter specifying the attribute
desired.  (Do not use a 0 attribute, black on black).

#define Uses_TColoredText

#define Uses_TStaticText

#define Uses_TApplication

#define Uses_TDrawBuffer

#define Uses_opstream

#define Uses_ipstream

#include <tvision/tv.h>

#include "tcolortx.h"

#if !defined( __CTYPE_H )

#include <ctype.h>

#endif  // __CTYPE_H

#if !defined( __STRING_H )

#include <String.h>

#endif  // __STRING_H

 ** Colored text constructor
TColoredText::TColoredText( const TRect& bounds, const char *aText,
				ushort attribute ) :
    TStaticText( bounds, aText ),
    attr(  attribute )

 ** Sets new color text
void TColoredText::set(const char *aText)
  delete (char *)text;
  text =  newStr( aText ) ;

 ** Returns color
ushort TColoredText::getTheColor()
    if (TProgram::application->appPalette == apColor)
      return attr;
    else return getColor(1);

 ** Draws the colored text
void TColoredText::draw()
    uchar color;
    Boolean center;
    int i, j, l, p, y;
    TDrawBuffer b;
    char s[256];

    color = getTheColor();
    l = strlen(s);
    p = 0;
    y = 0;
    center = False;
    while (y < size.y)
        b.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
        if (p < l)
            if (s[p] == 3)
                center = True;
            i = p;
            do {
               j = p;
               while ((p < l) && (s[p] == ' '))
               while ((p < l) && (s[p] != ' ') && (s[p] != '\n'))
               } while ((p < l) && (p < i + size.x) && (s[p] != '\n'));
            if (p > i + size.x)
                if (j > i)
                    p = j;
                    p = i + size.x;
            if (center == True)
               j = (size.x - p + i) / 2 ;
               j = 0;
            b.moveBuf(j, &s[i], color, (p - i));
            while ((p < l) && (s[p] == ' '))
            if ((p < l) && (s[p] == '\n'))
                center = False;
        writeLine(0, y++, size.x, 1, b);

 ** Writes to the stream
void TColoredText::write( opstream& os )
    TStaticText::write( os );
    os << attr;

 ** Reads from stream
void *TColoredText::read( ipstream& is )
    TStaticText::read( is );
    is >> attr;
    return this;

 ** Builds view
TStreamable *TColoredText::build()
    return new TColoredText( streamableInit );

 ** Destructor
TColoredText::TColoredText( StreamableInit ) : TStaticText( streamableInit )

const char * const near TColoredText::name = "TColoredText";

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