/* $Id: gisel.h 2.4 1995/07/20 11:24:33 leon Exp leon $
 *      GISEL - G-CODE ISEL CNC driver
 *      Copyright (c) 1994 LECAD
 *      All Rights Reserved.



#define Uses_TProgram

#define Uses_TDeskTop

#define Uses_TApplication

#define Uses_TObject

#define Uses_fpstream

#define Uses_TDialog

#define Uses_TInputLine

#define Uses_TLabel

#define Uses_THistory

#define Uses_TRect

#define Uses_TCheckBoxes

#define Uses_TRadioButtons

#define Uses_TButton

#define Uses_MsgBox

#define Uses_TSItem

#include <tvision/tv.h>

class TMenuBar;
class TStatusLine;
class TEditWindow;
class TDialog;
class TLogWindow;     // log.h

class TClockView;     // gadgets.h

class THeapView;      // gadgets.h

class Comm;           // comm.h

const int cmIntro         = 100;
const int cmReplyReceived = 101;
const int cmChangeDrct    = 102;
const int cmCalculator    = 104;
const int cmShowClip      = 105;
const int cmAboutBox      = 107;
const int cmComSetup      = 108;
const int cmTerminal      = 109;
const int cmSaveCmd       = 110;
const int cmRestoreCmd    = 111;
const int cmLogCmd        = 112;
const int cmHomeCmd       = 113;
const int cmManualMotion  = 114;
const int cmSettings      = 115;
const int cmHomingSpeed   = 116;
const int cmZeroAbsolute  = 117;
const int cmTranslateFile = 118;
const int cmSaveSettings  = 119;
const int cmSplus         = 120;  // manual.cpp

const int cmSminus        = 121; 
const int cmSpeed         = 122;
const int cmGoTo          = 123;
const int cmZplus         = 124;
const int cmZminus        = 125;
const int cmXminus        = 126; 
const int cmXplus         = 127; 
const int cmYplus         = 128;
const int cmYminus        = 129;
const int cmMoveTo        = 150;  // position.cpp

const int cmMoveToZero    = 151;  
const int cmSto1          = 152;
const int cmRcl1          = 153;
const int cmSto2          = 154;
const int cmRcl2          = 155;
const int cmPositionCmd   = 156;
const int cmJobManagerCmd = 160;  // jobman.cpp

const int cmPause         = 161;  // jobman.cpp

const int cmContinue      = 162;  // jobman.cpp

const int cmDequeue       = 163;  // jobman.cpp

const int cmXYZplus       = 164;
const int cmXYZminus      = 165;
const int cmPreview       = 166;
const int cmIndex         = 167;
const int cmMachining     = 168;

 ** Main GISEL application class. This is Turbo Vision based application
 ** For immediate ISEL controller driving with G-CODE input files.
class TGIselApp : public TApplication


    TGIselApp(int argc, char **argv);

    virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
    virtual void getEvent(TEvent &event);
    static TMenuBar *initMenuBar( TRect );
    static TStatusLine *initStatusLine( TRect );
    virtual void outOfMemory();       // For validView() function

    virtual void run();

    void idle();
    void comSetup();
    void tile();
    void cascade();
    void terminal();
    void calculator();
    void jobManager();
    void showPosition();
    void translateFile();
    void manualMotion();
    void loadDesktop(fpstream& s);    // Load and restore the

    void retrieveDesktop();           //  previously saved desktop

    void storeDesktop(fpstream& s);   // Store the current desktop

    void saveDesktop();               //  in a resource file

    void changeDir();
    void dosShell();
    void showClip();
    void fileOpen();
    void fileNew();
    void spawnPreviewer();
    void logOpen();
    void saveSettings();
    TEditWindow *openEditor( const char *fileName, Boolean visible );

    THeapView *heap;
    TClockView *clock;
    TLogWindow *log;


 ** Settings for settings dialog
typedef struct settingsRec  {
  long spuX;     //TInputLong

  long spuY;     //TInputLong

  long spuZ;     //TInputLong

  long speedX;   //TInputLong

  long speedY;   //TInputLong

  long speedZ;   //TInputLong

  long device;   //TInputLong

  ushort ack;    //TRadioButtons

  long stepSize; //TInputLong

  long ratioZ;   //TInputLong

  ushort option; //TCheckBoxes

  char logFileName[57];   //TInputLine

  } SettingsRec;

 ** Settings for homming speed
typedef struct homingSpeedRec  {
  long x;   //TInputLong

  long y;   //TInputLong

  long z;   //TInputLong

  } HomingSpeedRec;

/** Clipboard window pointer **/
extern TEditWindow *clipWindow;

ushort execDialog( TDialog *d, void *data );
TDialog *createFindDialog();
TDialog *createCommSetupDialog();
TDialog *createReplaceDialog();
TDialog *createAboutDialog();
TDialog *createSettingsDialog(void);
TDialog *createHomingSpeedDialog(void);
ushort doEditDialog( int dialog, ... );

void HomeMotors();    // action.cpp

void ZeroAbsolute();

#endif /* GISEL_H_INCLUDED */

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