SmartMedia logging

I've designed SmartMedia logger for deatached devices which need slow logging for long time. For example my heating controller . More than two years of logging ten temperatures every minute is possible in such way. Logging with speeds up to 19200 baud can be performed. With higher speeds of crystal or interrupt driven program hihger speeds are possible.



Schematics is designed to be easily built and used by inexpensive microcontroller such as AT89C2051-24PI which can operate at 3V with 11.094MHz quartz without a problem. Atmel claims that for 3V operation one should use low speed 89C2051 MCU, but I think that the die is the same and that 5V device can be used for 3V design as long as the speed is not compromised.

LED diode monitors SmartMedia activity. Note that /CE and RY/BY pins are connected together for writing to media and reading busy. Two additional 10k pullups are erquired as this pins are alacking internal pullup.

Typically we connect this logger between TX port of host microcontroller and MAX232 driver. Input resistor on RX pin is for 5V to 3V level change. MAX232 can be driven with 3V.

Shematics is available in pdf or png or postscript. Source for gschem is also available as logger.sch


C source fits into 2K Flash. We control the logger with host computer via escape AT (@) commands. Erasing, information, dump of the history is available.

I've assumed that the SmartMedia card is without an error which is likely. I've verified mine with a simple program checking extra 16byte area for each block. Consult specs for info.

Hex dump is available for quick startup


Processor PCB

Click for larger

SmartMedia with 22pin socket attached

Leon Kos
Last modified: Thu Nov 27 13:34:24 CET 2003