Definition task:

Make a programe for calculation DIN 2088. Include also selection of materials.


A programe for calculation of torzion spring is first need to give basic information. Then a programe carry out factor`s calculations which are signed with equivalents, that are prescribed by DIN 2088. The programe is based and limited. If it recognizes a mistake or unsuitable equivalents it obliterated admonition and drop further counting. In this case we have to correct information and repeat calculation, because standard prescribed provice, where value to be fiven and that we use we assure applicability of equivalents. In the first part of programe is need to give elementary information: force F, arms R1, turned angle fi and central middle calibre Di. Central middle calibre and turned angle fi are limited because of an application size which is prescribed by standard. The second part read information and copp out results in frames. In the third part of programe we use a label select/option to choose an appropriate material. If a material doesn`t suit a programe can choose it`s own material. You choose your own material, that you press "Write material" and then register to a window next to the table chosen elastical modul material In the forth part a programe calculate spring factors. We realize recount with a pressure on a button "Calculate factors".

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